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About me

Passionate about life and its needs, I was interested very early in everything that affects the proper functioning of our body in order to be able to cross in comfort the stages that the Human Being will know and undergo. In 2017, to complete my self-taught path acquired in the course of my life, I completed a 3-year Holistic Nutri-Therapist education in Switzerland. Since then, it is with enthusiasm and commitment that I continue to perfect my knowledge in the field of natural medicine for our health and its preventive actions. Today, I know that the way we eat is the key for a good wellbeing and a healthful lifestyle.
Married, mother of 3 children and an entrepreneur, I have learned how to tame and manage my body's messages with the lifestyle we lead. A health accident in 2002 made me aware of the fragility of our health and its impact on our body and mind. By discovering myself and adopting the right gestures, I reached a good health and body balance. It is with enthusiasm that I make my family and my entourage benefit from it.
My concept is to make this knowledge available on a larger scale. Therefore I have decided to commit myself to helping and supporting you in your quest to find a good balance in turn. I propose to accompany you in the good choice of your food by learning the good gestures and to know how to transmit them to your close relations.