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For a balanced nutrition

My proposition

On the first appointment, I take a history – determining who you are and how you live – and review your eating plan. By listening, I make a personalized adaptation of your diet, review your shopping basket while respecting your “desires” and the needs of your metabolism in relation to your situation. The next consultations will be conducted according to the requests and the goal you set for yourself. We discuss together the difficulties and the discoveries that you make on your way towards a balanced diet and its beneficial contributions.

With an oriented diet, you will be able to access a new lifestyle without depriving yourself entirely of everything your taste buds love; simply by re-balancing and integrating the nutrients that your metabolism requires so that your cells are nourished and benefit from the right defenses to maintain or restore health.

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For a balanced nutrition

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Write me or make an appointment


Feel free to contact me by Telegram, phone ou send me an email: hello at (@) yourhealthcoach.ch

Appointment – Terms and conditions
Please note that a cancellation can be made up to 24 hours before the appointment; beyond that the consultation will be charged

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